Monday, December 3, 2007

Aisyah's First Words

10 things u oughta knoe about aisyah:

1. Most of the time she's not aware of wat she's talking about. easy 2 say, she babbles alot.

2. She seldom watches mtv nor channel v. instead she watches chnnls like 551, 553, 555. yup...

3. she HATES it when she has to decide on something. so she prefer 2 hav other people 2 organize her life. if dats
even possible.

4. she enjoys matchmaking her friends. she thinks shes gifted in that. so it happens to always turn out well 4 her friends. (in her point of view dat is..)

5. she can be so freaking annoying. towards her friends and especially her family. she's also really self conscious at times. dats why these days she is more quiet n prefer 2 not speak at all. (yarrrrrrrrite.... )

6. she gets sick EVERY month. either its influenza, cough, fever or eczema. so yeah she aint dat healthy.she might die young. :( hahaaa

7. she wakes up at 2pm. everyday. so yeh she misses subuh n break

8. shes quite bad at babysitting. she bumped her nephews head on da floor twice dis month. reaaaal HARRD

9. she dreams BIG.

10. finally. shes quite poor n often broken. so dear friends whom has not gotten their b'day presents dis year (including mirah n anis... :D) maybe next year eh...

swweet memories eyh...

p/s: as a few of my friends might realize dat i copied n paste dis post from my myspace. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Aisyah, who the fucking fuck wants to know all these?